This Metasploit module exploits combined heap and stack buffer overflows for QNAP NAS and NVR devices to dump the admin (root) shadow hash from memory via an overwrite of __libc_argv[0] in the HTTP-header-bound glibc backtrace. A binary search is performed to find the correct offset for the BOFs. Since the server forks, blind remote exploitation is possible, provided the heap does not have ASLR.
This Metasploit module exploits combined heap and stack buffer overflows for QNAP NAS and NVR devices to dump the admin (root) shadow hash from memory via an overwrite of __libc_argv[0] in the HTTP-header-bound glibc backtrace. A binary search is performed to find the correct offset for the BOFs. Since the server forks, blind remote exploitation is possible, provided the heap does not have ASLR.