A LogoFAIL issue was discovered in BmpDecoderDxe in Insyde InsydeH2O with kernel 5.2 before 05.28.47, 5.3 before 05.37.47, 5.4 before 05.45.47, 5.5 before 05.53.47, and 5.6 before 05.60.47 for certain Lenovo devices. Image parsing of crafted BMP logo files can copy data to a specific address during the DXE phase of UEFI execution. This occurs because of an integer signedness error involving PixelHeight and PixelWidth during RLE4/RLE8 compression.
A LogoFAIL issue was discovered in BmpDecoderDxe in Insyde InsydeH2O with kernel 5.2 before 05.28.47, 5.3 before 05.37.47, 5.4 before 05.45.47, 5.5 before 05.53.47, and 5.6 before 05.60.47 for certain Lenovo devices. Image parsing of crafted BMP logo files can copy data to a specific address during the DXE phase of UEFI execution. This occurs because of an integer signedness error involving PixelHeight and PixelWidth during RLE4/RLE8 compression.