结构: Simple
Abstraction: Variant
状态: Draft
被利用可能性: unkown
A J2EE application uses System.exit(), which also shuts down its container.
It is never a good idea for a web application to attempt to shut down the application container. Access to a function that can shut down the application is an avenue for Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
Language: {'cwe_Name': 'Java', 'cwe_Prevalence': 'Undetermined'}
范围 | 影响 | 注释 |
Availability | DoS: Crash, Exit, or Restart |
策略: Separation of Privilege
The shutdown function should be a privileged function available only to a properly authorized administrative user
Web applications should not call methods that cause the virtual machine to exit, such as System.exit()
Web applications should also not throw any Throwables to the application server as this may adversely affect the container.
Non-web applications may have a main() method that contains a System.exit(), but generally should not call System.exit() from other locations in the code
Included in the doPost() method defined below is a call to System.exit() in the event of a specific exception.
bad Java
映射的分类名 | ImNode ID | Fit | Mapped Node Name |
7 Pernicious Kingdoms | J2EE Bad Practices: System.exit() | ||
OWASP Top Ten 2004 | A9 | CWE More Specific | Denial of Service |
The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java (2011) | ERR09-J | Do not allow untrusted code to terminate the JVM | |
Software Fault Patterns | SFP3 | Use of an improper API |