Category-21: 路径名遍历和等值错误

ID: 21 Status: Incomplete


Weaknesses in this category can be used to access files outside of a restricted directory (path traversal) or to perform operations on files that would otherwise be restricted (path equivalence). Files, directories, and folders are so central to information technology that many different weaknesses and variants have been discovered. The manipulations generally involve special characters or sequences in pathnames, or the use of alternate references or channels.


CWE-22 对路径名的限制不恰当(路径遍历)
CWE-41 对路径等价的解析不恰当
CWE-59 在文件访问前对链接解析不恰当(链接跟随)
CWE-66 标识虚拟资源的文件名处理不恰当

Taxonomy Mappings

Mapped Taxonomy Name Node ID Fit Mapped Node Name
PLOVER Pathname Traversal and Equivalence Errors